"Thayne Bailey has worked for many years to improve the Republican Party through leadership in his precinct, legislative district and the county party. He is a candidate that will work to advance the principles of our great party. Without reservation I gladly support Thayne as a man of character and integrity."
Keith Grover
Utah State House, Dist 61
"I have had the opportunity to work closely with Thayne over the past couple of years. Thayne has consistently and actively been involved in helping to further the ideals and principles. He is a champion of the Utah County Republican Party Platform and has helped organize multiple events to continue to promote those values.
I endorse Thayne for State Central Committee because I know that he will actively represent the common values and principles that we in Utah County hold. He is committed to conservative principles and will be a dedicated representative of our County. Please join with me in voting for Thayne Bailey for State Central Committee."
Matt Thompson
Leg Dist 61, Chair
"I have worked closely with Thayne on important political issues for the past 2 years. As fellow members of a political action committee, have had the opportunity to gain an in depth knowledge principled conservatism. I know him to be insightful and hardworking. He is reasoned and committed to the ideas of liberty and smaller government. I am proud to support Thayne Bailey for State Central Committee."
Karen Herd
Precinct Chair CH 01
You have my vote Thayne! I know you will work very hard to do what is best.